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A member registered Mar 24, 2018

Recent community posts

i don't imagine anybody else has made the same mistake, opening a game and then just staring at the first page for 20 minutes without even trying to click anything?? 

it is very standard for games to start with script that you have to click or press space to progress. no need to be rude to a creator for a problem that is entirely on you for not using any common sense

a DLC would be incredible! i would pay for it

i think arc just means a 'femboy' kink is controversial which is what he is offering, not mlm stuff in general!

im not into femboys stuff but i'd love to see mlm content so bad, the option for it would be amazing however it would be a lot of work for arc (who isnt into it) for potentially not enough of us to be worth it

i'd love to see trans girls (or "traps" if youd like, for lack of a better word in this context) in this game!! though i understand maybe not enough fans would want that too

What an incredible game!! Dino999z has pure talent, I can't wait for the next 2 chapters to come out!

amazing!!! this was so clever, i usually get bored with point and click games but this was endless engagement and a really well written, complex story

nice easy controls, doesn't take you back hours when you fail you can simply retry,  deep complex characters you empathise with instantly! and the art is beautiful too 

i am so excited for the next parts!! i will definitely be checking out the prologue and your other works until the next parts are ready whenever you get time, super super amazing thank you